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Why an Aesthetic Flat Closure


THE details

about Aesthetic Flat Closure (AFC)

A type of surgery that is done to rebuild the shape of the chest wall after one or both breasts are removed. The remaining tissue is tightened and smoothed so the chest wall appears flat.

An aesthetic flat closer can also be done after the removal of a breast implant that was used to reconstruct the breast shape.

You are perfectly you, and physical attributes like breasts do not define your worth. Embrace your uniqueness and know that your value as a woman goes beyond societal expectations.

  • FLAT is Healthy: AFC offers the lowest rates of surgical complications, faster recovery, and no long-term health risks.
  • FLAT is Complete: AFC requires no maintenance or surveillance of a foreign object and no additional surgeries.
  • FLAT is Valid: Studies show AFC offers similar rates of satisfaction to breast mount reconstruction.
  • FLAT is Whole: AFC creates a smooth, natural chest contour for survivorship.

acceptance + Community = healing

You are not alone!

You are not alone!

There is a vibrant community of women who have lost breasts to cancer treatment or prevention. If you are newly diagnosed, in active treatment, or stepping into survivorship, there are many resources for those considering FLAT after mastectomy.


Aesthetic Flat Closer is one of my favorite topics to chat about.

Email: director@warriorwomenportraits.com

Call: 503.330.7669

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